Sunday, August 23, 2009

The average mental quality of Westminster--outside.

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Become tiresome the Duke's other shoulder was occupied by his HOFF-NARR or court-jester called Jonas Schwanker who made almost as much noise with his fool's cap bells and bauble as did the orator or man of talk with his jingling baton. These two personages threw out grave and comic nonsense alternately; while their master laughing or applauding them himself yet carefully watched the countenance of his noble guest to discern what impressions so accomplished a cavalier received from this display of Austrian eloquence and wit. It is hard to say whether the man of wisdom or the man of folly contributed most to the amusement of the party or stood highest in the estimation of their princely master; but the sallies of both seemed excellently well received. Sometimes they became rivals for the conversation and clanged their flappers in emulation of.
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